Since 1999

Encryption Category


Americans' Access to Strong Encryption is at Risk, an Open Letter to Congress

The track record of data breaches demonstrates an uncomfortable truth: when sophisticated adversaries want to hack a network, they will ultimately win. With a government mandated encryption backdoor, hackers will make Americans less safe both at home and abroad.

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Calls to Ban Effective Encryption Continue Despite Data Breach Crisis

Calls for the U.S. Congress to ban effective encryption are repeated despite the current information security crisis in which data breaches are regular news.

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U.S. Senate Bill Seeks to Ban Effective Encryption, Making Security Illegal

Senators Feinstein, Burr published a bill in the United States Senate that would effectively ban effective encryption. This bill essentially says you can not have any conversation or data exchange that the government can not access if it wants to.

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It is not just one iPhone, the FBI wants a future where it is impractical to deploy strong encryption without key escrow

The FBI wants a future where it is illegal or impractical to deploy strong encryption without key escrow, which is a key backup system that is insecure at scale. Data breach risks will increase as our devices become less secure.

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How To Protect Against the POODLE SSLv3 Vulnerability

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Raspberry Pi crypto key management project!

A dedicated offline crypto key management system OpenPGP and an SSL Certificate Authority set up for air-gapped operations using a Raspberry Pi B.

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Introduction to OpenPGP: Decrypt this Message

In this first part of Introduction to OpenPGP, learn to password protect a file using GnuPG, which supports symmetric encryption in addition to its more powerful asymmetric mode.

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Secure Passwords & Passphrases

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OpenSSL: Encrypt Data with an RSA Key with PHP

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What is Protected Personally Identifiable Information? Do I really have to hash users' passwords?

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