Since 1999

Application Security Review and Audit

Rietta will review the security of your custom web, mobile, or desktop application using the OWASP ASVS, OWASP MASVS, or other relevant industry standard.

This open book review is a suitable substitute for many pen test engagements and will provide your company with an affordable solution to enumerate issues that your team can fix and to satisfy your customer’s security inquiries.

Our clients have a 100% track record satisfying their customer-lead inquiry into their security.

Engagement May Include

Types of Assessments

Among the assessment services we provide are:

We take an open book approach in collaboration with your development team. We review source code, conduct interviews, use certain automated tools. We then provide our clients with a written report of the findings along with an optional bridge letter that explains the assessment in a way suitable for presenting to your clients or other interested third parties.

Answering Questionnaires and Expert Advice

Our security expertise can be invaluable during an incident response or when you just want to get ahead of the security concerns that your clients may have.

We have a 100% track record helping customers work through concerns that your corporate clients have.

Next Steps

If you'd like to discuss your specific requirements, feel free to schedule a free consultation. We'll provide detailed information about our services and tailor a plan to meet your unique needs. You can reach us at our Atlanta office: +1 (770) 623-2059.

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