Since 1999

Development Category

Focused on coding, languages, and development.


Acknowledge Open-Source Contributors with Git Authorship

Even though Git has been the dominant VCS for over a decade, some popular open-source projects don't properly accredit contributors. Open-source projects have a ethical obligation to properly portray the work that was done to the project.

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The Clean-up Refactor Deleting ".arel_tables"

Composing queries with ActiveRecord and .arel_tables[] to select individual columns results in long lines. By delegating `arel_tables[] to .[], queries have a more readable interface without losing context. Delete .arel_tables from all usages; gain sanity dealing with complex queries.

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Why do Rietta Developers Git Fork?

Forking open source repositories is a standard way of contributing to open source projects. At Rietta, a small agency, all developers fork internal repositories when working on client projects.

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What's the Difference Between the 3 Github Merge Methods?

Github's interface makes merging in commits versatile to suit your style of maintaining a clean Git history. The three different styles are Create Commit, Squash, and Rebase.

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Manually Editing Git Hunks: The Easy Way

Git add --patch can help keep code changes relevant with their commits. When changes are unsplittable, we can use Manual-Hunk to split changes line by line.

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How to hide .gitignored Files from fzf.vim

Keep those nasty .gitignored files like node_modules/ from clogging up fzf fuzzy finder and show commited, hidden files such as .circleci/config.

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Herding Cats: The Todo List

Finding a tool to tame the chaos when you're new to an Agency setting and responsible for organizing "all the things".

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How To Use Slack To Maintain A Team Reading List

Having a clean and focused reading channel in Slack allows us a sanctioned place for in-depth discussion and news sharing.

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Fixup your Code Reviews with git rebase --autosquash

Git rebase flows result in clean history. Squashing code review fixups into the PR make it hard to see what changed. Rietta devs use --autosquash instead.

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How to Use git reset

Git reset is a powerful command utilized to unstage changes.

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