Since 1999

Planning Category


Herding Cats: The Todo List

Finding a tool to tame the chaos when you're new to an Agency setting and responsible for organizing "all the things".

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Deep Work and Remote Work

By working deeply, you can achieve the best work you are capable of.

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3 Developer Onboarding Tips From My Recent Experiences

This blog post briefly explores experiences and lessons that I have learned since joining the Rietta team; experiences that developers in a similar position can benefit from.

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How to use Story Points to Estimate a Web Application Minimum Viable Product

A user story is a concise description of functionality valuable to a user. Once Points are estimated for each, a ballpark budget may be computed.

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Project Roadmaps can Manage Uncertainty in Startups' Web Applications

How to communicate about realistic budgets and a timeframes because success requires clear communication on Estimates, Targets, and Commitments.

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