Since 1999

Solutions for HIPAA Covered Entities

As experts in supporting HIPAA-covered entities, we offer tailored solutions to ensure compliance and security. Our team of qualified developers is committed to maintaining and enhancing your practice management software.

Ongoing Internal Developer Training

Our U.S.-based technical team is trained annually on HIPAA security policy. But more than this, we train and foster a technical culture of security excellence. We have regular team discussion about security issues and what we as a team are going to do about it. We regularly threat model our work and implement real code security controls. This means our team goes above and beyond the basics and is dedicated to security excellence.

In short, Rietta intentionally fosters an ongoing learning mindset for all our developers, including our founder Frank Rietta. By constantly learning and adapting, we prepare ourselves to face the dynamic and ever changing threat landscape faced by our clients.

Ready to Work Immediately

The customers for whom we create the most value have a custom practice management software that is run on the cloud. Our team provides various technical and assessment services needed to keep the platform patched and up-to-date.

Deep Technical Knowledge

We have the deep technical knowledge to support applications that are built upon open source technologies, such as:

Security Assessments

We are often contracted to provide technical security assessments to assist our HIPAA covered entity clients maintain security compliance. Read more about our Security Assessment and Attestation services.

HIPAA Business Associate Agreements

We maintain staff of qualified developers within the United States and annually train them on HIPAA security requirements. We enter into the required business associate agreements with our HIPAA clients.

Next Steps

If you'd like to discuss your specific requirements, feel free to schedule a free consultation. We'll provide detailed information about our services and tailor a plan to meet your unique needs. You can reach us at our Atlanta office: +1 (770) 623-2059.

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