Since 1999

Solutions for Software Development and SaaS Companies

As experts in working with software developers to provide enhanced security to customers. Our team members are experienced software developers with decades of programming who are committed to enhancing your security posture and helping you win more business and trust with your users.

Application Security Review and Audit

Rietta will review the security of your custom web, mobile, or desktop application using the OWASP ASVS, OWASP MASVS, or other relevant industry standard.

This open book review is a suitable substitute for many pen test engagements and will provide your company with an affordable solution to enumerate issues that your team can fix and to satisfy your customer’s security inquiries.

Our clients have a 100% track record satisfying their customer-lead inquiry into their security.

Security-oriented Code Review

Your developers are experts in making amazing software for your users. We are experts in software security! We have experience working with developers within GitHub, Bitbucket, or Jira. We will help you review user stories and craft security-oriented acceptance criteria. We can review pull requests before they are approved to be merged into your main branch and deployed to production.

One of our mottos is “Code Review before Pen Test”. We have found that our code reviews and assessments are often accepted in leu of traditional adversarial pen tests by security auditors.

Security Assessments

We are often contracted to provide technical security assessments to assist our HIPAA covered entity clients maintain security compliance. Read more about our Security Assessment and Attestation services.

Provide World-class Developer Training

Rietta provides world-class application security training for teams of developers. We teach threat modeling and secure software project management to teams at Fortune 500 firms. Learn more about our training offering.

Deep Technical Knowledge

We have the deep technical knowledge to support applications that are built upon open source technologies, such as:

We are a Software Development Firm’s Best Friend

While we to are developers, one should not see as competition in this space. Our goal is to be one of your most trusted partners and enable you to provide the best product and services to your clients. We want to help you make your solutions secure and safe.

Trusted Advisor

We have experience being a trusted external advisor helping our clients. Examples include:

Next Steps

If you'd like to discuss your specific requirements, feel free to schedule a free consultation. We'll provide detailed information about our services and tailor a plan to meet your unique needs. You can reach us at our Atlanta office: +1 (770) 623-2059.

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