Since 1999

Application Security Category


UUID as a secure API token for API RESTful endpoints? (Video)

Video excerpt about the role of UUIDs as a security identifier for REST API and how to use them more securely if you must.

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An Honest Conversation About Cyber Security (Video)

I recently sat down with Jeremy Duvall of 7Factor Software to discuss Cyber Security and application developers. Enjoy this video!

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Prioritizing cybersecurity (Pluralsight)

The structure and siloing of a large enterprise organization can thwart security efforts. Here is a tip on how to overcome.

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How to win the race with hackers when new vulnerabilities are publicly disclosed!

Keeping deployed web applications up-to-date is imperative to prevent data breaches. Here's how to use automated testing of custom web application software to patch quickly after a support chain vulnerability is publicly disclosed.

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Snowfroc 2020 - Application Security and Development

Application security is important to an entire company, but what practical steps can we take on a development team to keep applications secure?

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