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Startup Riot 2012 is done; congratulations to the winners

Startup Riot 2012 at the Tabernacle in Atlanta was enjoyable and informative.  Anytime you get that many entrepreneurs and investors together in one place, good things will happen.  The conversations alone are well worth the price of admission.

Congratulations to the winners:

  1. ViaCycle
  2. SalesLoft
Three minute pitches in front of a live audience and a panel of celebrity judges are tough. You all stuck your necks out in a big way and came home with the prize.  Good job!


Greetings Frank,
Just writing to correct one piece of information. The FirstPlace was SalesLoft, Second place was CubeVibe and third place was Just throwing in for accuracy. If you would like the supporting video I can email. Just shoot me you email. I am with a product called .