since 1999


2 minutes estimated reading time.

Two new videos! How a Ruby on Rails developer can help prevent a Data Breach

Two new videos of the data breach talk and class that I lead in August and December are now up on YouTube! I hope that it helps you level up on your security knowledge because good software security needs to be a moral stance.

Next public talk

I am scheduled to give a presentation to this topic for the Nash.rb Users' Group on Thursday, February 5, 2015 at the Emma office in Nashville, TN. If you are in town and can make it out, I would love to meet you.

December, 2014, at Tech Talent South

Data Breaches and Ruby developers, with live exploits via Chrome - Classroom

TechTalentSouth tweet about the Data Breaches class on December 4, 2014

August, 2014, at the Atlanta Ruby Users' Group meetup

How a Ruby/Rails developer can help prevent a Data Breach

Key Takeaways