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You Can be the Victim of a Cybersecurity Attack: Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.

This week is the “Be Cyber Smart” week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

The first thing you need to realize is that you can be a victim of a cyber security attack. It’s human nature to assume that an incident cannot happen to you, that you are not a big enough target, that the bad guys are going to go after someone else. When you run Internet connected software this thinking is the path to disaster. The bad guys employ robots that scan every Internet address for vulnerability and exploit automatically.

Rietta highly recommends that you keep your custom web applications configured securely and up-to-date with patches to defend against this persistent background threat.

As a company, Rietta is focused on helping our clients achieve success in constant application security vigilance. We are here to help you assess your security posture, implement containerization and CI/CD, and keep up with security concerns over the long term that your custom software is in production usage.

More About Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is Cybersecurity Awareness month and the Federal Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency has published a set of useful cybersecurity awareness resources.

In 2021, CISA and NCSA will focus on the following areas in our promotions and outreach:

  • Week of October 4 (Week 1): Be Cyber Smart.
  • Week of October 11 (Week 2): Phight the Phish!
  • Week of October 18 (Week 3): Explore. Experience. Share. – Cybersecurity -Career Awareness Week
  • Week of October 25 (Week 4): Cybersecurity First