since 1999

The Clean-up Refactor Deleting ".arel_tables"

Composing queries with ActiveRecord and .arel_tables[] to select individual columns results in long lines. By delegating `arel_tables[] to .[], queries have a more readable interface without losing context. Delete .arel_tables from all usages; gain sanity dealing with complex queries.

Why do Rietta Developers Git Fork?

Forking open source repositories is a standard way of contributing to open source projects. At Rietta, a small agency, all developers fork internal repositories when working on client projects.

Best Data Type to store Money in MySQL?

When handling currency in MySQL, use DECIMAL(13,2) for general use and DECIMAL(13,4) if GAAP Compliance is needed.

Manually Editing Git Hunks: The Easy Way

Git add --patch can help keep code changes relevant with their commits. When changes are unsplittable, we can use Manual-Hunk to split changes line by line.

How to hide .gitignored Files from fzf.vim

Keep those nasty .gitignored files like node_modules/ from clogging up fzf fuzzy finder and show commited, hidden files such as .circleci/config.

Fixup your Code Reviews with git rebase --autosquash

Git rebase flows result in clean history. Squashing code review fixups into the PR make it hard to see what changed. Rietta devs use --autosquash instead.

How to Use git reset

Git reset is a powerful command utilized to unstage changes.

Storing currency in PostgreSQL

There are different ways we can store currency in PostgreSQL, this blog post will cover the money and numeric type.

Automate Scheduled Security Scans With CircleCI

Stay on top of vulnerabilities by automating security scans with workflow schedules

Rails: Set Max Length on Fields